6 Best Foods for Boosting Your Metabolism

Now, as adults, we usually think of our metabolisms with disappointment. Why can’t it be faster? Well - it can. Read on here to learn the 6 best metabolism-boosting foods.

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Baked Zucchini Chips with Yogurt Dipping Sauce

This fun recipe is yummy enough for kids and delicious enough for adults. It’s perfect for a tray of scrumptious hors d’oeuvres or as a light vegetable side dish served individually or family style.

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6 Top Reasons Why You’re Bloated

While we can dismiss the occasional discomfort, it’s important to recognize that bloating isn’t a part of a healthy digestive system. So, why are you feeling bloated? Read on here to find out!

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4 Pillars of Weight Gain: The Root Causes

Frustrated with your weight loss progress (or lack thereof)? You’re certainly not alone. Today, I’m sharing the 4 root causes of weight gain that we all experience, plus some tips to help you overcome each of them.

Struggling with Your Weight & Your Sleep? Here’s Why

We’ve all experienced a sleepless night or two, when we toss and turn or have to get up all night to care for a baby or sick child. Occasional nights like this are unavoidable, but if it’s becoming a pattern and you’re also struggling to reach your weight loss goals, there’s a good chance that your lack of sleep is why.

Why are the Last Few Lbs So Hard to Lose? Reaching a Plateau

Are you seeing the same number on the scale every time you step onto it? Finding yourself in a weight loss plateau can kill your motivation, making it all the more difficult to make healthy choices and resist unhealthy temptations. But does this mean you’re stuck for good?

3 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Health in Stressful Situations

We know that stress can be a major factor in weight gain and overall ill-health, so it’s vital that we learn ways to support and improve our emotional health to combat these negative physical symptoms. If you’re ready to better manage your stress, read my top 3 tips here.


Do You Gain Weight When You’re Stressed? Here are 3 Reasons Why
If you struggle with your weight and you frequently feel stressed and overwhelmed, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle to keep our weight down when our lives feel out of balance or even out of control. 
Spring Herb Egg Salad

This robust, protein-packed eggy mélange tastes like optimism on a plate. The watercress base is a great source of antioxidants, which has been linked to lower blood pressure and other hearty healthy benefits. 

6 Foods Proven to Help Ease Symptoms of Anxiety
So, what can you do to reduce these feelings of anxiety and better cope with life’s stresses? One big area to look at is your food. Read on here to find out about the 6 foods proven to help ease anxiety.
The Connection Between Autoimmune Disease & A Bad Diet
Could autoimmune diseases be linked to the food you eat? Research now indicates that autoimmune diseases may not be purely down to genetics, and you may have more control over their development and your symptoms than you think. 
PCOS & Nutrition: How Nutrition Can Alleviate Your Symptoms

PCOS affects 6-12% of American females, though is often misdiagnosed or hidden by the use of birth control. If you have PCOS or suspect you may have it, read on here to learn about the simple dietary changes you can make to get back on the right track to good health.

The Truth Behind Weight Loss: 3 Common Misconceptions

When it comes to diet and weight loss, everyone has a different opinion. While some of the ideas behind the right things to do may be the same, everyone has different rules and methods they’ve found success with - not all of which are sustainable or effective. 

What is Autoimmune Disease? What & Why
While some autoimmune diseases are largely genetic and occur from birth or the early years of childhood, some aren’t diagnosed until later. What prompts the body to act this way? Read on here to find out. 
What Happens to Your Metabolism After You Lose Weight?
If you’ve been on a weight loss plan, you may have noticed that your body adjusts and seems to be able to use less energy to fuel it than it did when you were larger. You let yourself eat freely for a day, and find you’ve put on a few pounds. Has your metabolism really slowed down, or is it all in the mind? 